Frequently Asked Questions

When Will My Order Ship?

Shipping times will vary depending on which shipping service you choose at checkout. Typically, items will be delivered between 5-7 business days from the date you place your order. Priority shipping normally takes 4-6 business days. You will receive a tracking number once the order is placed.

What If There Is An Issue With My Order Once It Is Received?

We are happy to help you if there is an issue with your order! Please direct your message to

Do I Need An Account To Make An Order?

You do not need an account. You can check out as a guest!

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept: Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Paypal, Amazon Pay, ShopPay, GPay and Facebook Pay

Will I Pay Duties & Taxes?

Yes, you will pay duties and taxes on applicable orders.

How Do I Return My Order?

If your item arrives damaged or incorrect, we are happy to fix this for you! Simply email with your corrected order.

If an item arrives damaged, please provide a photo in your email so we can asses the damage and make future improvements to our shipping process.